Pharmacies and Parapharmacies in Corralejo:
Address : Av. Juan Carlos I, 31, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34828133381
Maria Del Carmen Blanco Arias Pharmacy
Address: Pharmacy C.C. El Campanario, C. Hibisco, nº1, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34928866386
El Campanario Shopping Center
Address: C. Hibisco, nº 1, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34928536713
Address: Av. Ntra. Sra. del Carmen, 44, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34928866020
Corralejo Pharmacy - Carlos Pizarro Domínguez
Address: Av. Ntra. Sra. del Carmen, 68, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34928536499
Address: C. Isaac Peral, 40, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34928535562
parapharma del toro
Address : 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas
Phone : +34928537454
In Corralejo, as in all of Spain, there are pharmacies that are open all night through a system called "Farmacia de Guardia" which guarantees that we will always have at least one pharmacy near our house at any time of night. Although in some cities there are places of this type open 24 hours a day, in Corralejo they still work with the guard or shift system, so you should know which ones are providing this service outside business hours in your town.
An on-call pharmacy is one that works outside the normal hours of an ordinary pharmacy, and provides continuous medical assistance to people who need it. They not only dispense prescription drugs, they also dispense other types of sanitary products.
How to know which is the nearest Duty Pharmacy
The most traditional way to look for a duty pharmacy is to go to the nearest pharmacy and there we will see that they have a sign with information on the nearest duty pharmacies, on the sign you will have precise information on the address of the pharmacy that during that night it is open. But with the new technologies, other systems have appeared to find an on-call pharmacy, as we show you below:
1 A good way to find out which pharmacies are on duty in your area, is to consult the web, which details, according to each community, which are the premises that provide the service on duty during the night of the indicated date.
2 But if you want to opt for a more practical solution to find out which pharmacies are on duty in your area, wherever you are, the app market offers you multiple alternatives.
If you have a phone with the Android operating system, the Farmadroid application is a good option, you can download it from your Play Store and use it when necessary in the most practical way possible.
3 For iPhone users there is also an excellent alternative to find an on-call pharmacy wherever you are: Farmacias24, an app that works with Google Maps, easy to use and can be downloaded for free from the App Store.
eFarmacias is also another iPhone app alternative that can be useful in this situation.
4 Another option is to go directly to the page of pharmacists in your community and discover which are the pharmacies on call for the requested day, a perfect option for those who always have a computer at hand.
This article is merely informative, in oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or carry out any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.